Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New BTS Facebook Page (and upcoming Council meeting details)

We believe that Moreland Council will decide on the BTS application at the Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday 23 November at 6pm. Put that date in your diary if you want to come along and be part of the democratic process to make sure the application gets rejected by Council! Around 200 residents turned up last year when the first application was put rejected - this time we may need even more.

Also, we now have a Facebook page up and running (thanks to Gary, our IT guru) so it would be great if you could visit and LIKE it, and share it around with as many people as you can. Visit us at

Finally, it's not too late to put in an objection to the BTS application - see earlier posts on this blog with details of how to do so. They can be submitted right up to the date when Council makes a decision.