As reported in the Melbourne Weekly, the power companies quietly lodged a new planning application with Moreland Council last week (6th July). A shame they didn't advise all residents who have been involved on the 'BTS working party' over the past six months about this development in proceedings!!
According to Council Officer Arthur Vatsakis it is likely that the formal 'advertising period' will commence in 3-4 weeks, and take place over a further two weeks in local papers and other forums. There will then be a two stage process of a 'consultation meeting' held by Council (probably in August or September) and then a final Council meeting to decide on the application (in September or October). Residents will be able to make submissions/objections about the proposal right up until the final decision is taken by Council.
All documents related to the application should be uploaded to the Council website in the next week or so (go to the Planning section of the Moreland Council website).
Anyway, watch this space for news of further community meetings about resident action on this matter. Once we have seen details ofthe planning application that has been lodged, it may be time to have another community meeting to gauge the feelings of the local community about the new plans. If opposition is still running strong, it may require another turnup of 200 residents to the Council meeting like happened last year when the original proposal was defeated thanks to people power.